Zoë Salinas makes Golf History - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Zoe hitting golf balls at 7 years old

Zoë Salinas makes Golf History

Zoë Salinas became the youngest to ever be ranked by Junior Golf Scoreboard at 8 years and 0 days! She played a 2-day weekend golf tournament at Lake San Marcos on her birthday weekend August 19-20. After playing the 18-hole final, she immediately went to win the USKids Orange County Tour Championship for the Summer 2017 season. A good weekend for Zoë golf!

How Zoë got ranked

  1. 54-Hole Challenge at GreyStone – May 28-30 | HJGT – 3 days of Zoë pushing her own cart up and down muddy hills in the pouring rain. Rain-delayed the first round, so she could only finish 10 holes. Day 2 – Zoë played 26 holes including one with a drive that required her to carry the ball 200 yards. Since, she can only carry 110 yards, she had to figure out how to hit the narrow cart path on purpose and then let it bounce into the junk. That allowed her to take drops from the red stakes and hit 3rd up to flat area where she could essentially begin playing the hole. Zoë was only 7 years old whereas the other competitors were from 14-18 years old. Many thanks to Hurricane Junior Golf Tour as they were the only tour that would allow a 7 year old to play 5800 yards in a multi-day tournament without caddy.
  2. PGA West Junior Open, July 1-2, 2017 | HJGT – A nice tournament at the toughest course Zoë has ever faced in 105 degree heat! PGA West – Nicklaus Tournament Course turned out to be a tough test… you definitely have to be accurate off the tee. Distance was a bit long for Zoë at 5750 yards — she definitely made use of her 3-wood, as in Driver -> 3W -> 3W -> 3W -> SW…
  3. NCJGA Summer Series #1, July 24-24, 2017 – Zoë showed great improvement shooting 91 at about 5000 yards at Rancho Bernardo Inn!
  4. National Tour Fall Series Opener – San Marcos, August 19-20, 2017 – Zoë got to play with Eagle Ace Superal who shot 1 over for 2 days! Eagle’s sister, Princess Mary plays on the Symetra Tour. All in all, this was a great tournament for Zoë. She is getting used to the 5000-5800 yard tournaments.

JGS Rankings by Grad Year

  • Overall 2961 Girls Ranked
  • Class of 2018 has 853 girls ranked
  • Class of 2019 has 731 girls ranked
  • Class of 2020 has 561 girls ranked
  • Class of 2021 has 383 girls ranked
  • Class of 2022 has 259 girls ranked
  • Class of 2023 has 115 girls ranked
  • Class of 2024 has 48 girls ranked
  • Class of 2025 has 7 girls ranked
  • Class of 2026 has 3 girls ranked
  • Class of 2027 has 1 girl ranked — Zoë Salinas

You don’t know what pressure is until you play for 5 bucks with only two bucks in your pocket.

– Lee Trevino

Rankings by State

  • California has 461 girls ranked
  • Texas has 281 girls ranked
  • Florida has 257 girls ranked
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