C++ Thread Library - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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C++ Thread Library

C++ Thread Library

Attribution:  I thank Jerry Cain at Stanford for inspiring the following content
C++ Thread package

introverts example in C++
static void recharge() {
   //  cout << is not MT Safe, so we need to use locks
    cout << oslock <<  “I recharge by spending time alone.”  << endl << osunlock;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    cout << “Let’s hear from 6 introverts. ” << endl;
    thread introverts[6];  // objects with a thread routine defaultly constructed into them
    for (thread &t : introverts) {
        t = thread(recharge);     // construct the thread around the recharge function
    for (thread &t : introverts) {
    cout << “Everyone is recharged. ” << endl;
    return 0 ;
Now, we progress from no argument thread routine to one that takes an argument
Greeters example
Each greeter has a given id and says hello, id number of times before ending as a thread.
static void greet(size_t id) {
    for( size_t count = 0; count < id; count++) {
        cout << oslock << “Greeter # ” << id << ” says \”hello\”” << endl << osunlock;
        sleep_for(random() % 1000000);  // introduce some variation into wait time
    cout << oslock << “Greeter # ” << id << ” all done” << endl << osunlock;
int main() {
    cout << “Welcome to Greetland!” << endl;
    thread greeters[6];
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        greeters[i] = thread(greet, i+1);
    for( thread &t : greeters) {
    cout << “All done! ” << endl;
    return 0;

Airline Ticket Agent example to illustrate the need for a mutex

Each of 10 ticket agents tries to sell airline tickets until 100 total tickets are sold.

static int numTickets = 100;
static void agent(size_t id) {
    while(numTickets > 0) {
        numTickets–;   // sell a ticket
        cout << oslock << “Sold a ticket…” , id, numTickets << endl << osunlock;
        if (shouldTakeBreak()) {   // introduce randomness to influence thread scheduler
Problem:  numTickets– is not atomic.  What if a thread commits to sell a ticket by going into the while loop and gets swapped off the processor before completely executing numTickets–;  Thread has not flushed out the new value to the global variable: numTickets;
While loop test is separated from the decrement.
// boilerplate correct main()
int main() {
    thread agents[10];
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        agents[i] = thread(agent, 101+i);
    for (thread &t : agents) {
   return 0;

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