CCTV Chinese 52-55 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Balloon

CCTV Chinese 52-55

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…


小瞧 – to look down upon
颜色 – color
我今天要给你们一点颜色看看。- Today, I am going to teach you guys a lesson.
等着瞧 – wait and see
节 – quarters, i.e. in a basketball game
功臣 – a person who renders outstanding service, a hero
谦虚 – modest
发挥 – bring into play
准 – accurate
注意传球 – pay attention to passing the ball
超 – super
超人 – Superman
水平 – standard or level
医务室 – medical clinic
送 – to take sb. some place
输 – to lose
状态 – state or condition
厉害 – formidable
防守 – to defend, in a sporting context
净 – always (spoken)
总是 – always (written)
你净吹牛。- You are always bragging.
一口气 – used before a verb to indicate, without a break, i.e. in one breath
也许 – possibly, perhaps
脚腕 – ankle
疼 – to hurt
小心 – to be careful
摔倒 – to fall down
恐怕 – to be afraid
骨折 – bone fracture
躺 – to lie down
恢复 – to recover
严重 – serious
卧床 – to lie in bed
简直 – used to exaggerate something
我简直快累死了。- I am so tired, I am virtually dead. (exaggeration)
看你说的。- Listen to yourself.
没劲透了 – extremely boring
胡思乱想 – to think about all kinds of things, i.e. let your imagination run away with you
足够 – enough, adequate, ample
星期 – week
床 – bed
早日康复 – get well soon
细心 – meticulous
光盘 – CD
聊天儿 – chat
别提了 – don’t ask
要不然 – otherwise, or else
好不容易 – to stress the difficulties in the process
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
古董市场 – antique market
越来越火 – more and more thriving
古玩城 – another way to say: antique market
尤其 – especially
人山人海 – multitude of people
许多 – many
有关 – regarding or about
学问 – knowledge
听说 – to have heard
真品 – genuine pieces, i.e. of art
即使 – even if
看上 – to like something
千万 – must
表现 – to show or express
看出 – to find out
即使你看上了什么,千万别表现出来。- Even if you like something, don’t show it.
眼力 – judgement
提醒 – to remind
细致 – meticulous
上当 – to be cheated
何况 – furthermore
明朝 – Ming Dynasty
盘子 – plate
传 – to be passed on as in handed-down
鲜艳 – bright colors
据说 – allegedly, it is said that, reportedly
艺人 – artist
幸亏 – fortunately
行家 – expert
风险 -risk
需要 – need or require
粗糙 – rough or coarse
规矩 -rules
依我看 – In my opinion
油嘴滑舌 – slick
假期 – vacation
订票 – book a ticket, i.e. on the train
结束 – end, to conclude
受。。。的影响 – to be influenced by someone’s actions or thoughts
瞧我这记性 – to draw attention to the fact that one’s memory is not good
说不定 – perhaps
张 – m.w. for ticket
软卧 – soft sleeper seat on train
硬卧 – hard sleeper
越来越着迷 – more and more fascinated
一宿 – one night
一早 – early morning
运气 – fortune or luck
硬座 – hard seat
健将 – master sportsman
保护 – to protect
够 – enough
烦 – to be annoyed
护着 – protecting
全好 – completely better
条件 – conditions, terms
笔记本 – notebook
笔记本电脑 – laptop
上网 – to go online, internet access
慢 – slow
联系 – to get in touch with
方便 – convenient
算了 – forget about it
必要 – necessary, essential
欲速则不达 – haste makes waste
理解 – to understand
看样子 – to look like, it appears that…
万一 – just in case
不怕一万就怕万一 – we are not afraid of the 10,000, we are afraid of the one in 10,000


f you talk to a man in a lannderstands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his he

– Nelson Mandela


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