More C++ Threading - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
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Slidify, rPubs Chad Salinas, Motion Charts, Hans Rosling
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More C++ Threading

Mutexes: Why you need them…

Attribution:  I thank Jerry Cain at Stanford for inspiring the following content

Airline Ticket Agent example to illustrate the need for a mutex

Each of 10 ticket agents tries to sell airline tickets until 100 total tickets are sold.
static int numTickets = 100;
static void agent(size_t id) {
    while(numTickets > 0) {
        numTickets–;   // sell a ticket
        cout << oslock << “Sold a ticket…” , id, numTickets << endl << osunlock;
        if (shouldTakeBreak()) {   // introduce randomness to influence thread scheduler
numTickets– is not atomic.  What if a thread commits to sell a ticket by going into the while loop and gets swapped off the processor before completely executing numTickets–;  Thread has not flushed out the new value to the global variable: numTickets;
numTickets– may be realized by 3 assembly instructions.
While loop test is separated from the decrement.
int main() {
    thread agents[10];
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        agents[i] = thread(agent, 101+i);
    for (thread &t : agents) {
   return 0;


Treat the numTickets– as a transaction.  It is a shared global with a race condition amongst many threads.  A mutex can protect this critical region. So, rewriting the agent(), we have:

static int numTickets = 100;
static mutex numTicketsLock;
static void agent(size_t id) {
    while(true) {
        numTicketsLock.lock();    // lock the bathroom door
        if(numTickets == 0) break;  // leaving the locked bathroom through the window
        numTickets–;   // sell a ticket
        cout << oslock << “Sold a ticket…” , id, numTickets << endl << osunlock;
        if (shouldTakeBreak()) {   // introduce randomness to influence thread scheduler
   numTicketsLock.unlock();  // in case the thread left through the window

Chad Salinas working on Plotly

Chad Salinas working on analytics project.

Chad Salinas late nighter

Dining Philosophers example

     Semaphores – Permission Slips
int main() {
    thread philosophers[5];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        philosophers[i] = thread(philosophize  , i);
    for(thread &t : philosophers) {
    return 0;
Now, for the threaded function. We could model the forks as an array of booleans or we could realize that fork acquisition can simply be modeled by mutexes.
static mutex forks[5];
static void philosophize(size_t id) {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        think(id);  // a random sleep call
static void eat(size_t id) {
    size_t right = id;
    size_t left = (right + 1) % 5;
    cout << oslock << “…” , id << endl << osunlock;
Above solution has deadlock

Let the dataset change your mindset

– Hans Rosling
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