CCTV Chinese 60-63 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Wall

CCTV Chinese 60-63

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…

CCTV Chinese 60-63


许愿 – to make a wish
随便 – to be careless
不然 – otherwise
灵 – effective
打破砂锅 – breaking the clay cooking pot
打破砂锅问到底 – get to the bottom of things
实现 – to realize
告诉 – to tell
正事儿 – one’s proper business
了解 – to know
从来 – all along, always
从来没 – never
果然 – really, as expected
意思 – meaning
什么的 – and so on
洋相 – awkward behavior
文化 – culture
文化差异 – cultural difference
邀请 – to invite
玩儿 – to play
纪念 – memento
留个纪念 – to keep a memento
谦虚 – modest
女主角 – female lead
助兴 – to liven things up
专门 – specially
既…又… – … as well as …
既聪明又漂亮 – smart as wel as beautiful
了不起 – remarkable
集合 – to come together
排队 – to line up
马上就要 – just about to
参观 – to visit
难道… – Could it be that…?
难道, 我记错了? Could it be that I am mis-remembering?
明明 – clearly
百科书 – encyclopedia
知之为知之 – you know what you know
不知为不知 – you don’t know what you don’t know
博物馆 – museum
照片 – photograph
恐龙 – dinosaur
体型 – bodily form
合影 – group photo
马上 – right away, immediately
解释 – to explain
笑话 – to laugh at, joke
标本 – specimen
往往 – often (only for past)
常常 – often (for past and future)
请你常常来! – Please come often!
他老不说话. – He never speaks.
既不是… 也不是… – neither this… nor that…
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
风头 – public attention
抢 – to rob
光 – bare or empty
齐 – all present
点蜡烛 – to light a candle
蛋糕 – cake
许愿 – make a wish
吹 – to blow
感到 – to feel
高兴 – happy
公主 – princess
俨然 – just as
口味 – flavor
我为你感到难过. – I feel sorry for you
属 – to be born in the year of
玩具 – toy
听 – to hear
福气 – good fortune
不劳而获 – reap without sowing
近乎 – intimate
懒 – lazy
享福 – enjoy a happy life
母语 – mother tongue
我们班同学不是属猪,就是属狗. – Our classmates were either born in the year of the pig of the year of the dog.
大有 – to imply a high degree of
玩儿命 – to express a supreme degree of action

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela
向 – to imply direction
向前跑 – run forward
队友 – teammate
挡 – to block
对方 – the other side
球员 – player
靠近 – to get close
机会 – opportunity
抗 – to resist
冲击 – to charge
抢 – to grab
一动不动 – no movement at all, like a statue
训练 – to practice, to train
反应 – reaction
能力 – ability
自学 – to study by oneself
自学成才 – to learn on one’s own and become an expert
练习 – to practice
配合 – to cooperate
示范 – to set an example
猛 – fierce
灵活 – flexible
必须 – must, have to
如果…就… – if … then…
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