CCTV Chinese 64-67 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Balloon

CCTV Chinese 64-67

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…

从昨天到现在 – from yesterday until now
百看不厌 – never be tired of
一举两得 – to kill two birds with one stone
电影院 – movie theater
武术 – martial arts
基础 – basics
介绍 – introduction
正好 – chance to
坚持 – persist in
放 – used for flying a kite
只 – mw for kite
好不容易 – It’s not easy
没办法 – There’s no way
高手 – expert
出马 – to take charge
输 – to lose
请客 – to invite someone out
冰激凌 – ice cream
风筝 – kite
闹笑话 – to make a fool of oneself
专业 – professional
裁判 – referee
躺着看书 – lying down while reading a book
只不过 – only
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
古董市场 – antique market
越来越火 – more and more thriving
古玩城 – another way to say: antique market
尤其 – especially
人山人海 – multitude of people
许多 – many
有关 – regarding or about
学问 – knowledge
听说 – to have heard
真品 – genuine pieces, i.e. of art
即使 – even if
看上 – to like something
千万 – must
表现 – to show or express
看出 – to find out
即使你看上了什么,千万别表现出来。- Even if you like something, don’t show it.
眼力 – judgement
提醒 – to remind
细致 – meticulous
上当 – to be cheated
何况 – furthermore
明朝 – Ming Dynasty
盘子 – plate
传 – to be passed on as in handed-down
鲜艳 – bright colors
据说 – allegedly, it is said that, reportedly
艺人 – artist
幸亏 – fortunately
行家 – expert
风险 -risk
需要 – need or require
粗糙 – rough or coarse
规矩 -rules
依我看 – In my opinion
油嘴滑舌 – slick
假期 – vacation
订票 – book a ticket, i.e. on the train
结束 – end, to conclude
受。。。的影响 – to be influenced by someone’s actions or thoughts
瞧我这记性 – to draw attention to the fact that one’s memory is not good
说不定 – perhaps
张 – m.w. for ticket
软卧 – soft sleeper seat on train
硬卧 – hard sleeper
越来越着迷 – more and more fascinated
一宿 – one night
一早 – early morning
运气 – fortune or luck
硬座 – hard seat
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
– Nelson Mandela
召开 – to hold
报名 – to sign up
表格 – form
踊跃 – eagerly
争光 – to be bring honor to
打破 – to break
全校 – whole school
记录 – record
隔着老远 – a long way away
大嗓门 – loud voice
加油声 – sound of your cheers
简直 – simply
通知 – notification
运动会 – sports meet
冠军 – champion
参与 – to participate in
祝贺 – congratulations
可惜 – unfortunately, it’s a pity
再好不过了 – to express agreement and imply that there is not a better alternative
无所谓 – it doesn’t matter
估计 – to reckon
扫地 – to sweep the floor
擦窗户 – to wipe the windows
卡 – to get stuck
骑不动 – can’t ride i.e. a broken bicycle
修车铺 – bicycle or car repair shop
早自习 – early study hall
听写 – dictation
自行车 – bicycle
值日 – to be on duty for the day
摔倒了 – to fall down
着急 – to worry
大概 – probably
好在 – luckily
… 再怎么说 – no matter what you say  OR adding explanation to previous statement
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