CCTV Chinese 68-71 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Wall

CCTV Chinese 68-71

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…

CCTV Chinese 68-71

存 – to store
存车处 – bicycle parking lot
起码 – at least
起码半个小时 – at least a half hour
打下手 – to act as a helper
毛病 – problem
小看 – to underestimate
趁 – to take advantage of
修 – to fix
坏 – broken
换 – to change
一般 – ordinary
帮倒忙 – do more harm than good
一般来说 – usually, typically
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
母亲节 – Mother’s Day
力所能及 – in one’s power
真丝 – pure silk
水洗 – wash in water
干洗 – dry clean
缩 – to shrink
处理 – deal with, handle, process
菜 – vegetable
沉 – heavy
西瓜 – watermelon
冰箱 – refrigerator
泡 – to soak
莫非 – Can it be that?
于是 – as a result
好像 – seem
劳动 – labor
聊天 – to chat with
难免 – to be hard to avoid
相伴 – accompaniment, concomitant
乏味 – dull, uninteresting, insipid
悬 – precarious
我看有点悬 – it seems a little iffy to me
救星 – savior, emancipator
百思不得其解 – to not have a clue
赶紧 – to lose no time
一直 – always
音乐 – music
邻居 – neighbor
复习 – to review
不管… 都… – no matter what…
除了 – apart from, except
难以 – to be difficult to

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela
成成成 – ok, ok, ok…
遵命 – to comply with, to obey
伟大 – great
学习委员 – member of the study committee
课堂笔记 – class notes
类似 – similar
举一反三 – to draw inferences from one example and apply to another example
保证 – to promise
抄 – to copy
骗 – to cheat
又来了 – here we go again
吹牛 – to brag
思考 – to think deeply
奇怪 – strange
冤枉 – to treat unjustly
成绩 – result
明白 – to understand
仅仅 – merely
非… 不可 – must
看不出 – 1.  can’t tell or 2.  to never have guessed
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