CCTV Chinese 76-79 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Wall

CCTV Chinese 76-79

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…

CCTV Chinese 76-79

油 – oil
灯油热了 – wait until the oil is hot
倒 – to pour
熟 – cooked
盛 – to scoop out
道 – m.w. for dish
吃不腻 – not tired of eating
这张纸 – this paper
做法 – way of doing something
老实说 – frankly, honestly
不太熟 – not cooked enough
太酸了 – to sour
咸 – salty
碗 – bowl
糖 – sugar
盐 – salt
奉承话 – flattering words
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
开玩笑 – to make a joke
幽默感 – sense of humor
没办法 – nothing we can do about it
旅游 – travel
旅游旺季 – tourist season
预订 – to reserve or to book
身份证 – ID card
售票 – to sell tickets
售票处 – ticket office
旅行社 – travel agency
行李 – luggage
火车 – train
居然 – unexpectedly
何不 – Why not…?
几乎 – almost, nearly, practically
收拾 – to get things ready or to pack
乱七八糟 – messy
检查 – to inspect
该带的 – refers to things you should bring, the essentials
特别是 – especially
箱子 – suitcase
趁 – to take advantage of
药 – medicine
宝贝 – treasure
眼看 – soon or in no time
免得 – so as not to

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela
大懒虫 – big lazy bug
睡觉 – to go to sleep
留了任务 – to leave an assignment
大懒虫 – big lazy bug, slob
睡懒觉 – to sleep in
留了任务 – to leave an assignment
任务 – task or assignment
留 – to leave
包在我身上 – leave it to me!
街 – street
华尔街 – Wall Street
银行 – bank
证券 – securities, e.g. stock
交易所 – the Exchange
证券交易所 – Stock Exchange
介意 – mind, to take offense
明信片 – postcard
逛 – to stroll
建筑 – to construct
哪儿都好,就是。。。- It’s all good, it’s just that…
。。。不说,还。。。 – not only…, but also …
怪不得 – no wonder
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