CCTV Chinese 80-83 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Balloon

CCTV Chinese 80-83

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…

东方明珠 – oriental pearl
东方明珠电视塔 – Oriental Pearl TV Tower
黄浦江 – HuangPu River
渡轮 – ferry boat
来往 – to come and go
导游 – tour guide
上海通 – Shanghai expert
塔 – tower
著名 – famous
现代 – modern
繁华 – flourishing, bustling, thriving
商业 – commerce
吓 – frighten
表达 – to express
不论… 都 – no matter
要多… 有多… – to express a high degree of something
…而已 – used at the end of a declarative sentence, nothing more… that’s all
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
绕口令 – tongue twister
是庙又不是庙! – It’s a temple but it’s not a temple!
城隍庙 – Old City God Temple
糊涂 – confused
老字号 – time-honored stores(brands)
香 – st. that tastes good
馋 – greedy, glutinous
咬 – to bite
在我看来 – in my opinion, as I see it
总而言之 – in short, all in all
否则, 否则的话 – otherwise
消气 – to calm down
生气 – angry
消 – to remove, to dispel
将功补过 – to make amends
东道主 – eastern host
嚎叫 – to yell
得意忘形 – to get dizzy with success
情有可原 – forgivable
adj. + 不到哪儿去 – to express a small degree of s.t.
远不到哪儿去 – not too far away
谁知道 – who would have thought
难怪 – to express sudden understanding, i.e. no wonder…
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
– Nelson Mandela
尽收眼底 – to have a panoramic view
尽 – to the utmost
收 – to take in
眼 – eyes
底 – bottom
纪念品 – souvenir
建筑物 – structure, building
俯瞰 – to overlook, to look down at
明信片 – postcard
模型 – model
整 – entire, whole
没有比…更 – to express the highest degree of s.t.
顾不上 – cannot attend to
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