Network Data Structures & Functions - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Network Data Structures & Functions

Network Data Structures & Functions

http response codes
http header
http payload
Network Data Structures
// in ipV4
struct hostent {
    char* h_name;
    char** h_aliases;
    int h_addrtype;
    int h_length;
    char** h_addr_list;
struct in_addr {
    int s_addr;
Network Functions
struct hostent* getHostByName(const char* name);
struct hostent* getHostByAddr(const char* addr, int type, int length);
Abstractions with increasing modularity
  • function call – no modularity with caller/callee stack discipline
  • system call – enforced modularity – caller can’t access to the ghost of the stack space for system calls
  • pipe
  • network

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