CCTV Chinese 92-95 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Wall

CCTV Chinese 92-95

Chinese should take about 3 years to learn, because all 3-year olds in China can speak…

CCTV Chinese 92-95

唐装 – traditional Chinese article of clothing
花眼 – to be dazzled
挑 – to pick or choose
旗袍 – traditional Chinese women’s dress
一趟一趟 – a number of times
领子 – a collar, e.g. on a shirt
正式 – formal
处处 – everywhere or in all respects
相比之下 – compared with
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
亲眼见到 – see with one’s own eyes
不到长城非好汉 – Who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man
烽火台 – signal towers
敌人 – enemy
约定 – to agree
哭 – to cry
壮观 – magnificent or spectacular
非得 – must, have to
只知其一,不知其二 – you only know the half of it
发烧 – to have a fever
发烧友 – to be an enthusiast of something
摄影 – photography
孟姜女 – legendary Chinese character
眼泪都哭干了 – to run out of tears
变成石头 – to turn into stone
始 – start or beginning
建 – to build
眼前 – in front of your eyes
震撼 – to shake or shock
登 – to ascend
伟大 – great
等 – to wait
不可思议 – unbelievable
说个不停 – not stop talking
怎么能不… – How can you not…
端架子 – to behave in a haughty manner, to put on airs

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela
祭天 – to offer a sacrifice to heaven
祈谷 – to pray for grain
故宫 – the Forbidden City
长城 – the Great Wall
天坛 – the Temple of Heaven
颐和园 – the Summer Palace
天气预报 – weather forecast
晴天 – blue sky or sunny day
毛毛雨 – drizzle
农业 – agriculture
名胜古迹 – place of historic interest and scenic beauty
回声 – echo
圣诞节- Christmas
自然 – naturally or of course
难得 – to express that something doesn’t come easily
一向 – all along

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