汉语口语第一课 您贵姓? - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Wall

汉语口语第一课 您贵姓?

How long does it take to learn Chinese (汉语)?

Well, since all 3 year olds in China speak Chinese, it must take about 3 years… or so the joke goes.

汉语口语第一课 您贵姓?

刘老师: 是。请进!有什么事?

WuShu Right
Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left

王平: 杰夫,安妮,来,认识一下,这是方雪青。
杰夫: 方雪青,你好!我叫杰夫。
安妮: 我叫安妮,认识你很高兴。
方雪青: 你们好,认识你们,我也很高兴。你们是新来的留学生吧?
安妮: 是啊。你是哪个系的?
方雪青: 我是法律系国际法专业的,今年一年级。
杰夫: (小声对王平)是女朋友吧?
王平: (小声对杰夫)哪里,女的朋友。
方雪青: 你们说什么?
王平和杰夫: 没说什么。


– Learning is like rowing upstream.

方雪青: 安妮,你是第一次来中国吗?
安妮: 是第二次。 两年以前,我来北京旅行过。
方雪青: 来中国以前,你学了多长时间汉语?
安妮; 半年。

HSK 4 Vocabulary – Simplified

Hanzi (Simplified) Pinyin English
哀悼 āidào mourn
哀求 āiqiú beseech; implore
艾滋病 àizībìng AIDS
爱戴 àidài love and esteem
爱面子 ài miànzi be sensitive about one’s reputation
爱惜 àixī cherish
碍事 ài shì be in the way
安宁 ānníng peaceful; calm
安稳 ānwěn smooth and steady
安祥 ānxiáng serene; composed
安置 ānzhì put; arrange for
按劳分配 àn láo fēnpèi distribution according to work
暗淡 àndàn dim; faint
暗杀 ànshā assassinate
暗示 ànshì suggest
暗中 ànzhōng in secret
àn case
案件 ànjiàn law case; case
案情 ànqíng case; details of case
昂贵 ángguì expensive
昂扬 ángyáng high-spirited
āo concave
ǎo coat
所有制 suǒyǒuzhì system of ownership
他人 tārén others
台风 táifēng typhoon
台阶 táijiē step; sidestep
泰然 tàirán imperturbable
太空 tàikōng outer space
太平 tàipíng peaceful
太阳能 tàiyángnéng solar energy
tān corrupt
贪污 tānwū defalcate
瘫痪 tānhuàn paralysis
tán sputum; phlegm
tán (壇) platform; forum; (罈) jug
tán deep pool
谈天 tán tiān chat
坦白 tǎnbái confess; frank
探测 tàncè detect; explore
探亲 tàn qīn go home to visit one’s family
探讨 tàntǎo discuss; probe into
探头探脑 tàn tóu tàn nǎo pop one’s head in and look about
探望 tànwàng visit
tàn sigh
tàn charcoal
táng pool
糖果 tángguǒ candy
滔滔不绝 tāotāo bù jué dash along; give it mouth
桃花 táohuā peach blossom
逃荒 táo huāng flee from famine
逃跑 táopǎo run away; flee
逃走 táozǒu escape; flee
淘气 táoqì naughty
淘汰 táotài be sifted out
陶瓷 táocí ceramic
tǎo ask for
讨价还价 tǎo jià huán jià bargain
特产 tèchǎn special local product
特地 tèdì specially
特定 tèdìng specific; given
特区 tèqū special zone
特权 tèquán privilege
特色 tèsè characteristic
特性 tèxìng characteristic
特意 tèyì specially
tēng vine
téng gallop; jump clear out
疼痛 téngtòng achy
提案 tí’àn draft resolution; overture; proposal
提拔 tíbá elevate
提交 tíjiāo put in; refer
提炼 tíliàn abstract; refine
提名 tí míng nominate; name
提取 tíqǔ distill; pick-up
提升 tíshēng upgrade; exalt
提示 tíshì prompt; clue on
提要 tíyào abstract
提早 tízǎo ahead of schedule
题材 tícái theme; subject
body; style
体谅 tǐliàng understand; allow for
体贴 tǐtiē show consideration for
体验 tǐyàn experience; taste
体质 tǐzhì system
体制 tǐzhì physique; constitution
体重 tǐzhòng weight; avoirdupois
razor; shave
替代 tìdài substitute; instead of
替换 tìhuàn substitute; replace
天长地久 tiān cháng dì jiǔ everlasting
天地 tiāndì heaven and earth
天色 tiānsè time; color of sky
天生 tiānshēng inherent
天堂 tiāntáng heaven
天线 tiānxiàn antenna
填补 tiánbǔ padded; fill up
填写 tiánxiě fill in
田间 tiánjiān farms; field
田径 tiánjìng track and field
条款 tiáokuǎn item
条理 tiáolǐ consecution
条文 tiáowén item
条子 tiáozi a brief in formal note
调和 tiáohé attempter
调剂 tiáojì relief; temper
调解 tiáojiě intercede
tiǎo choose; pick
挑拨 tiǎobō provoke
挑衅 tiǎoxìn defy; defiance
挑战 tiǎo zhàn challenge
跳高 tiàogāo high jump
跳跃 tiàoyuè jump; hop; skip
跳远 tiàoyuǎn long jump
铁道 tiědào railway
铁饭碗 tiě fànwǎn iron bowl; a secure job
听话 tīng huà persuasible; docile
听取 tīngqǔ hear
听众 tīngzhòng audience; listener
停泊 tíngbó berth tie up; anchor
停顿 tíngdùn pause; halt
停滞 tíngzhì stagnate
挺拔 tǐngbá tall and straight
挺立 tǐnglì stand firm
tǐng a light boat
通报 tōngbào circular; circulate a notice
通道 tōngdào alleyway; channels
通风 tōng fēng ventilate; tip-off
通告 tōnggào announce; notify
通航 tōngháng be open to navigation or air traffic
通红 tōnghóng aglow
通货膨胀 tōnghuò péngzhàng inflation
通商 tōng shāng have trade relation
通俗 tōngsú popular
通行 tōngxíng traffic; pass
通讯社 tōngxùnshè news agency
通用 tōngyòng in common use
同步 tóngbù synchro-
同等 tóngděng same; equal
同行 tóngháng a person of the same occupation
同类 tónglèi congener
同年 tóngnián the same year
同期 tóngqī the same term
同事 tóngshì colleague
同一 tóngyī identical
童年 tóngnián childhood
tǒng poke; stab
统筹 tǒngchóu plan as a whole
统战 tǒngzhàn united front
痛恨 tònghèn abhor; abominate
偷窃 tōuqiè steal
偷税 tōu shuì evade taxes; tax dodging
投标 tóu biāo bid for
投产 tóuchǎn put into production
投放 tóufàng put in; throw in
投机倒把 tóujī dǎobǎ engage in speculation and profiteering
投票 tóu piào vote; poll
投掷 tóuzhì throw; toss
投资 tóu zī invest
头子 tóuzi chief; head
透彻 tòuchè lucid; intensive
透明度 tòumíngdù openness; transparency; diaphaneity
图案 tú’àn design; pattern
图片 túbiǎo chart; diagram
图表 túpiàn picture
图象 túxiàng image; picture
图形 túxíng figure; graph
图纸 túzhǐ blueprint
屠杀 túshā slaughter
团聚 tuánjù reunite
团圆 tuányuán reunion
推测 tuīcè speculate; guess; presume
推来推去 tuī lái tuī qù push; decline
推理 tuīlǐ inference; reasoning
推论 tuīlùn deduce
推算 tuīsuàn calculate
推销 tuīxiāo promote sales
推行 tuīxíng push
推选 tuīxuǎn elect; choose
退出 tuìchū exit; quit
退还 tuìhuán send back; hand back
tún collect; village
拖延 tuōyán delay; put off
脱落 tuōluò break off; shed
椭圆 tuǒyuán ellipse
tuǒ ready; proper
妥善 tuǒshàn proper; appropriate
妥协 tuǒxié compromise
唾沫 tuòmo saliva; spittle
挖掘 wājué dig; excavate
瓦解 wǎjiě collapse; disorganize
外表 wàibiǎo appearance
外宾 wàibīn foreign guest
外出 wàichū outgoing; stay out
外电 wàidiàn dispatches from foreign agency
外观 wàiguān aspect; face
外行 wàiháng laity; nonprofessional
外汇 wàihuì foreign exchange
外力 wàilì outside force
外流 wàiliú drain; outflow
外婆 wàipó (mother’s mother) grandmother
外事 wàishì foreign affairs
外向型 wàixiàngxíng extroversion
外形 wàixíng figure; shape
外资 wàizī foreign capital
豌豆 wāndòu pea
wān bay; gulf
玩具 wánjù toy
玩弄 wánnòng flirt
完毕 wánbì complete; finish
完蛋 wán dàn be finished
晚餐 wǎncān supper
晚年 wǎnnián old age; remaining years
惋惜 wǎnxī regret
万水千山 wàn shuǐ qiān shān the trials of a long journey
汪洋 wāngyáng (of a body of water) vast; boundless
wáng king
王国 wángguó kingdom
wáng die
往常 wǎngcháng as one used to do
往返 wǎngfǎn to and from; out and home
往后 wǎnghòu in the future
往年 wǎngnián in former years
往日 wǎngrì in former days
往事 wǎngshì the past
望远镜 wàngyuǎnjìng telescope
忘却 wàngquè forget; disremember
妄图 wàngtú vainly attempt
妄想 wàngxiǎng mirage; deliria
威风 wēifēng power and prestige
威力 wēilì might; power
威望 wēiwàng prestige
威信 wēixìn authority
微不足道 wēi bù zú dào not worth mentioning; inconsiderable
微观 wēiguān microcosmic
危急 wēijí critical; impending
违法 wéi fǎ break the law
违犯 wéifàn break; disobey
桅杆 wéigān mast
围攻 wéigōng lay siege to
围棋 wéiqí the game of go
唯物论 wéiwùlùn materialism
唯物主义 wéiwù zhǔyì materialism
唯心论 wéixīnlùn idealism
唯心主义 wéixīn zhǔyì idealism
唯独 wéidú alone; only
唯一 wéiyī only
为期 wéiqī (to be completed) by a definite date
维修 wéixiū mend; repair
伪造 wěizào forge
wěi tail
为何 wèi hé why
未免 wèimiǎn rather; a bit too
wèi fear
畏惧 wèijù fear; dread
温度计 wēndùjì thermometer
温柔 wēnróu soft; mild; gentle
瘟疫 wēnyì pestilence
wén writing; character
文盲 wénmáng illiterate
文凭 wénpíng diploma
文人 wénrén literati; bookman
文献 wénxiàn literature; document
文雅 wényǎ elegant
文言 wényán classical Chinese
稳当 wěndang sure; steady
稳妥 wěntuǒ reliable; safe
问答 wèndá interlocution
问世 wènshì spacious; commodious
cote; nest
窝囊 wōnang hopeless stupid
卧室 wòshì bedroom
乌鸦 wūyā crow
乌云 wūyún dark clouds
污蔑 wūmiè smear
巫婆 wūpó witch
诬陷 wūxiàn frame a case against
呜咽 wūyè sob
无偿 wúcháng volunteer
无耻 wúchǐ cheeky
无从 wúcóng have no way
无非 wúfēi nothing but; no more than
无话可说 wú huà kě shuō have nothing to say
无可奉告 wú kě fèng gào no comment
无理 wúlǐ out of reason
无聊 wúliáo bored; tiresome
无能为力 wú néng wéi lì incapable of action; powerless
无情无意 wú qíng wú yì merciless; ruthless
无穷 wúqióng boundless; endless
无所作为 wú suǒ zuò wéi attempt and accomplish nothing
无微不至 wú wēi bù zhì meticulously; in every possible way
无效 wúxiào no effective
无意 wúyì have no intention
无知 wúzhī ignorant
梧桐 wútóng phoenix tree
武力 wǔlì force
舞厅 wǔtīng ballroom
物力 wùlì material resources
务必 wùbì must; be sure to
误差 wùchā error
误解 wùjiě misunderstand
吸毒 xī dú drug abuse
膝盖 xīgài knee
extinguish; put out
熄灭 xīmiè crush out; go out
mat; feast; seat
席位 xíwèi seat
习俗 xísú habitude
习题 xítí exercise
be fond of
喜鹊 xǐquè magpie
喜事 xǐshì happy events; wedding
喜讯 xǐxùn good news
洗涤 xǐdí wash
系列 xìliè series
细节 xìjié detail; specific
细小 xìxiǎo tiny; scrappy
xiá gorge
狭隘 xiá’ài narrow
狭窄 xiázhǎi narrow
xiá rosy clouds
下达 xiàdá make know to lower levels
下放 xiàfàng transfer a lower position
下级 xiàjí subordinate
下令 xià lìng order; give order
下落 xiàluò whereabouts
下台 xià tái out of power
下乡 xià xiāng go to the countryside
掀起 xiānqǐ lift (a cover)
先锋 xiānfēng pioneer
先前 xiānqián anteriority
先行 xiānxíng antecedent
仙女 xiānnǚ fairy
鲜红 xiānhóng cardinal red
xián chord
嫌疑 xiányí suspicion
贤惠 xiánhuì virtuous
xián hold in mouth
衔接 xiánjiē link up; join
xiǎn show; display
显而易见 xiǎn ér yì jiàn obviously; stick out a mile
显微镜 xiǎn wēi jìng microscope
现场 xiànchǎng locale
现金 xiànjīn cash
现钱 xiànqián ready money
现行 xiànxíng current; in effect
现状 xiànzhuàng status quo;
献身 xiàn shēn devotion; dedicate to
县长 xiànzhǎng the head of a county
陷儿 xiàn’er stuffing
陷害 xiànhài frame up
陷入 xiànrù plunge; run into
xiàn limit
限度 xiàndù limit; bound
限期 xiànqī time limit
限于 xiànyú limit to
线索 xiànsuǒ clue; key
相比 xiāngbǐ compare
相差 xiāngchà differ
相等 xiāngděng be equal to
相符 xiāngfú tally with; conform to
相关 xiāngguān correlate
相继 xiāngjì one after the other
相交 xiāngjiāo intersect
相识 xiāngshí be acquainted with each other
相通 xiāngtōng communicate with each other
相应 xiāngyìng homologous; relevant
xiāng inlay
香味 xiāngwèi fragrance
乡亲 xiāngqīn villager; local people
想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ do everything possible; try every means
响声 xiǎngshēng noise; sound
享福 xiǎng fú enjoy a happy life
享乐 xiǎnglè enjoy; feast
享有 xiǎngyǒu have; own
项链 xiàngliàn necklace
橡胶 xiàngjiāo rubber
橡皮 xiàngpí eraser
向往 xiàngwǎng yearn
象棋 xiàngqí chess
象样 xiàng yàng up to the mark; presentable
xiāo sell; cancel
销毁 xiāohuǐ destroy by melting or burning
销路 xiāolù market
销售 xiāoshòu sell
xiāo disappear; remove
小鬼 xiǎoguǐ devilkin; little devil
小米 xiǎomǐ millet
小数 xiǎoshù decimal fraction
小数点 xiǎoshùdiǎn radix point
小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin
小心翼翼 xiǎoxīn yìyì with great care
小型 xiǎoxíng small-scale
小学生 xiǎoxuéshēng pupil
小子 xiǎozi boy
校徽 xiàohuī school-badge
校园 xiàoyuán campus
肖像 xiàoxiàng portrait
效力 xiàolì affect; force
效益 xiàoyì benefit
孝顺 xiàoshùn obedient
协调 xiétiáo assort with; correspond
协商 xiéshāng negotiate about; consult with
协议 xiéyì agreement
挟持 xiéchí hold sb, under duress
xié evil
携带 xiédài take with
xiè have diarrhea; rush down
xiè let out;
泄露 xièlòu let out; leak; divulge
泄气 xiè qì pathetic; feel discouraged
谢绝 xièjué refuse
xiè bits; crumb
xīn zinc
欣欣向荣 xīnxīn xiàng róng flourishing; prosperous
新陈代谢 xīn chén dàixiè metabolism
新房 xīnfáng bridal chamber
新近 xīnjìn recent; late
新郎 xīnláng bridegroom
新娘 xīnniáng bride
新人 xīnrén new personality
新兴 xīnxīng rising; jumped-up
新颖 xīnyǐng original; novel
心里 xīnli in the mind
心灵 xīnlíng heart; soul
心目 xīnmù mental view
心疼 xīnténg feel distressed; love dearly
心头 xīntóu mind
心血 xīnxuè painstaking effort
心眼儿 xīnyǎn’er mind; idea
心愿 xīnyuàn wish
心中 xīnzhōng in mind
薪水 xīnshuǐ(xīnjīn) stipend; salary
信贷 xìndài credit
信件 xìnjiàn letter
信赖 xìnlài trust; rely
信仰 xìnyǎng believe in
信用 xìnyòng credit
信誉 xìnyù credit standing
xīng star
xīng the smell of fish
xīng prosper; rise
兴办 xīngbàn set up; initiate
兴建 xīngjiàn build; construct
兴起 xīngqǐ rise; spring up
兴旺 xīngwàng prosperous
xíng punishment
刑场 xíngchǎng execution ground
刑法 xíngfǎ criminal law
刑事 xíngshì criminal
xíng type; model
型号 xínghào model; type
xíng body; form
形而上学 xíng’érshàngxué metaphysics
行程 xíngchéng journey
行贿 xíng huì bribe
行径 xíngjìng act; move
行军 xíng jūn march
行使 xíngshǐ perform; exercise
幸好 xìnghǎo fortunately
幸运 xìngyùn lucky
性命 xìngmìng life
性情 xìngqíng temper
xìng apricot
xiōng elder brother
凶狠 xiōnghěn fierce and malicious
胸怀 xiōnghuái mind; heart
凶猛 xiōngměng feral; savage
胸膛 xiōngtáng thoraces
汹涌 xiōngyǒng surge; popple
雄厚 xiónghòu rich; abundant
雄壮 xióngzhuàng sturdy; strong
xióng bear
休养 xiūyǎng relax; recuperate
修订 xiūdìng revise
修复 xiūfù repair; restore
修养 xiūyǎng training; good manners
羞耻 xiūchǐ ashamed
xiù smell; scent
秀丽 xiùlì beautiful
袖子 xiùzi sleeve
需求 xūqiú requirement; demand
weak; empty
虚假 xūjiǎ illusive; mendacious
虚弱 xūruò weak
虚伪 xūwěi hypocritical
须知 xūzhī notice; information
徐徐 xúxú gently; slowly
许可 xǔkě admit; allow
store up
酗酒 xùjiǔ keep to the bottle
叙谈 xùtán chat; chitchat
序言 xùyán prologue
畜产品 xùchǎnpǐn livestock product
畜牧 xùmù pasturage
絮叨 xùdao wordy
宣称 xuānchēng claim; assert
宣读 xuāndú read out
宣誓 xuān shì swear; take a oath
宣扬 xuānyáng publicize; propagate
悬挂 xuánguà hang
悬念 xuánniàn reader’s involvement
xuán spin; circle
旋律 xuánlǜ rhythm; tune
选拔 xuǎnbá choose; select
选定 xuǎndìng make a choice of; choose; select
选集 xuǎnjí selected works anthology
选民 xuǎnmín electorate
选取 xuǎnqǔ choose; select
选手 xuǎnshǒu player
选用 xuǎnyòng choose; select
削减 xuējiǎn cut; minify; whittle
削弱 xuēruò weaken; cripple
靴子 xuēzi boot
学历 xuélì educational background
学派 xuépài school; school of thought
xué hole; socket
雪白 xuěbái snow-white
血压 xuèyā blood pressure
xūn fume; smoke
循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn follow in order and advance step by step
巡逻 xúnluó patrol
寻求 xúnqiú seek
xùn teach; train
xùn news; message
压抑 yāyì oppress; overbear
压韵 yā yùn jingle; rhyme
鸦片 yāpiàn opium
roll steel
烟草 yāncǎo tobacco
烟卷儿 yānjuǎn’er cigarette
烟雾 yānwù smoke
淹没 yānmò mourn for
严寒 yánhán freezing
严峻 yánjùn stern; serious; harsh
延缓 yánhuǎn delay; put off
延期 yán qī put off; defer
延伸 yánshēn extend; stretch
延续 yánxù continue
yán talk; word
言语 yányǔ word; diction
言论 yánlùn saying; speech
炎热 yánrè fervent; hot
沿岸 yán’àn coast
沿途 yántú on the way
yǎn cover; hide
掩饰 yǎnshì cover up; conceal
眼力 yǎnlì vision
眼色 yǎnsè meaningful glance
眼神 yǎnshén expression in one’s eyes
眼下 yǎnxià at this stage
演变 yǎnbiàn evolve
演唱 yǎnchàng sing
演讲 yǎnjiǎng give a lecture
演算 yǎnsuàn perform mathematical calculations
演习 yǎnxí rehearse
演奏 yǎnzòu perform
宴请 yànqǐng entertain; fete
宴席 yànxí feast; banquet
yàn check; test
验收 yànshōu check and accept
验证 yànzhèng test and verify
杨树 yángshù poplar
yáng sun; positive
yǎng oxygen
yǎng itchy
养分 yǎngfèn nutrient
养活 yǎnghuo feed; support
养育 yǎngyù foster
养殖 yǎngzhí breed; raise
样品 yàngpǐn sample
yāo invite
妖怪 yāoguài genie; bugaboo
遥控 yáokòng remote control
药材 yàocái medicinal materials
要领 yàolǐng essential; main points
要么 yàome or
要命 yào mìng confoundedly; awfully
要素 yàosù factor; element
耀眼 yàoyǎn dazzling
野蛮 yěmán wild; truculent
野生 yěshēng wild
野外 yěwài open country
野心 yěxīn ambition
冶炼 yěliàn smelt
夜班 yèbān night shift
fluid; liquid
一辈子 yībèizi a lifetime
一旦 yīdàn once; in case
一度 yīdù once
一概 yīgài entirely
一概而论 yīgài ér lùn lump together al and sundry; lump under one head
一个劲儿 yīgejìn’er persistently
一贯 yīguàn all along; then as now
一哄而散 yī hòng ér sàn break up in a hubbub
一会儿…一会儿 yīhuì’er … yīhuì’er … now and then; a little while
一技之长 yī jì zhī cháng professional skill; specially
一律 yīlǜ all and singular
一帆风顺 yī fān fēng shùn plain sailing
一干二净 yī gān èr jìng completely; thoroughly
一举 yījǔ at one swoop
一毛不拔 yì máo bù bá miserly; very stingy; unwilling to give up even a hair
一身 yīshēn all over the body
一手 yīshǒu trick; skill
一头 yītóu wholeheartedly
cure; doctor
医务 yīwù medical affairs
医药 yīyào medicine
医治 yīzhì cure
depend on
依次 yīcì in turn
依赖 yīlài depend on; reply on
衣裳 yīshang clothes
遗传 yíchuán inheritance; inherit
遗失 yíshī lose
遗体 yítǐ the remains of deceased person
遗址 yízhǐ site; ruin
移民 yí mín migrant
疑惑 yíhuò doubt; disbelieve
疑难 yínán difficult
以免 yǐmiǎn for fear; lest
以身作则 yǐ shēn zuò zé set oneself an example to others
以往 yǐwǎng in the past
以致于 yǐzhìyú so that
亿万 yìwàn hundreds of millions
too; also
意料 yìliào expect
意图 yìtú purpose; offer
意向 yìxiàng will; intent
毅然 yìrán resolutely
议案 yì’àn proposal; motion
议程 yìchéng agenda
议定书 yìdìngshū protocol
议员 yìyuán Congressman
译员 yìyuán interpreter
羿 wing
yīn cause; reason
音响 yīnxiǎng stereo; sound; acoustics
阴暗 yīn’àn dark; overcast
淫秽 yínhuì nasty; obscene
yǐn drink
饮食 yǐnshí food and drink
饮水思源 yǐn shuǐ sī yuán never forget where one’s happiness comes from
引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù conspicuous; noticeable
引入 yǐnrù import; introduce
引用 yǐnyòng quote
引诱 yǐnyòu tempt; entice
隐蔽 yǐnbì lie up; take cover
隐藏 yǐncáng hide; ensconce
隐瞒 yǐnmán keep in; hush up; hide
英俊 yīngjùn handsome
yīng eagle; hawk
樱花 yīnghuā cherry blossom
yíng camp
蝇子 yíngzi fly
迎面 yíng miàn head-on
赢得 yíngdé win; bear off
盈利 yínglì profit; gain
硬件 yìngjiàn hardware
yìng reflect
拥有 yōngyǒu hold; possess of
庸俗 yōngsú philistine; tacky
涌现 yǒngxiàn come to the fore
永垂不朽 yǒng chuí bù xiǔ immortal
永久 yǒngjiǔ permanent
勇士 yǒngshì warrior
勇于 yǒngyú have the courage to
用法 yòngfǎ usage
用户 yònghù user; consumer
用具 yòngjù appliance
用人 yòngren servant
用意 yòngyì purpose; intention
幽静 yōujìng sequester
幽默 yōumò humorous
yōu excellent
优惠 yōuhuì preferential; favorable
优先 yōuxiān first; preferential
优异 yōuyì excellent
优质 yōuzhì high quality
忧虑 yōulǜ worry
忧郁 yōuyù heavy-hearted
由此可见 yóu cǐ kě jiàn thus it can be seen
邮电 yóudiàn post and telecommunication
邮购 yóugòu mail order
邮寄 yóujì mail
邮政 yóuzhèng post
yóu uranium
犹如 yóurú just as; like
油菜 yóucài rape
油画 yóuhuà painting
油料 yóuliào oil plants
油漆 yóuqī oil paint
游击 yóujī guerrilla
游客 yóukè tourist
游人 yóurén tourist
有待 yǒudài await
有害 yǒu hài harmful
有口无心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn be sharp-tongued but not malicious
有声有色 yǒu shēng yǒu sè vivid and dramatic
友情 yǒuqíng friendship
友人 yǒurén friend
yòu entice; lure
诱惑 yòuhuò tempt; lure
yòu young
愚昧 yúmèi fatuous; benighted
舆论 yúlùn consensus public opinion
渔业 yúyè fish culture; fishery
榆树 yúshù elm
予以 yǔyǐ give
雨伞 yǔsǎn umbrella
雨水 yǔshuǐ rain
与此同时 yǔ cǐ tóng shí at the same time
与会 yǔ huì attend a meeting
羽毛 yǔmáo feather
more; recover
wish; want
欲望 yùwàng desire; appetite
预测 yùcè forecast
预定 yùdìng book; engage
预订 yùdìng book; subscribe for
预计 yùjì foresee; estimate
预见 yùjiàn foresee
预料 yùliào anticipate; expect; predict
预期 yùqī expect; anticipate
预赛 yùsài preliminary match
预算 yùsuàn budget
预言 yùyán predict
预约 yùyuē make an appointment
yuān injustice; bad luck
元件 yuánjiàn element; organ
元首 yuánshǒu head of state
yuán original
原材料 yuáncáiliào raw and processed materials
原告 yuángào accuser
原油 yuányóu base oil; crude oil
原子能 yuánzǐnéng atomic energy
yuán garden
yuán fountain; source
源泉 yuánquán headspring
远大 yuǎndà long-range
远方 yuǎnfāng far distance
远景 yuǎnjǐng distance; future
yuē call; say
约束 yuēshù bind; restrain
越冬 yuè dōng live through the winter
越过 yuèguò get across; hurdle
yuè jump
月份 yuèfèn month
乐曲 yuèqǔ musical composition
乐队 yuèduì band
yuè read
云彩 yúncai cloud
yún divide evenly; even
运送 yùnsòng carry
运算 yùnsuàn calculate
运行 yùnxíng circulate
蕴藏 yùncáng hold in store; contain
酝酿 yùnniàng brew
孕育 yùnyù gestate
杂交 zájiāo hybridize
杂乱 záluàn disorderly
why; how;
栽培 zāipéi grow; educate
灾荒 zāihuāng famine due to crop failures
zǎi butcher
再生产 zǎishēngchǎn reproduction
在乎 zàihu care about
在意 zài yì care about
zǎn assemble; save money
zàn temporarily
暂且 zànqiě for the moment
赞赏 zànshǎng admire; praise
赞叹 zàntàn highly praise
赞同 zàntóng agree with
赞助 zànzhù support; sponsor
zàng bury
葬礼 zànglǐ funeral
遭殃 zāo yāng suffer disaster
糟蹋 zāotà waste; ruin; spoil
zǎo Chinese date
早点 zǎodiǎn breakfast
早日 zǎorì early; soon
噪音 zàoyīn noise
造反 zào fǎn rebel; insurgence
造价 zàojià cost
造型 zàoxíng model; mold
zào kitchen range
责怪 zéguài blame
责任制 zérènzhì system of job responsibility
zéi thief
zěn how; what
怎么着 zěnmezhe why
zēng add; increase
增设 zēngshè increase; augment
增添 zēngtiān add; superinduce
增援 zēngyuán reinforce
zhá brake
zhǎ wink; blink
炸弹 zhàdàn bomb
炸药 zhàyào dynamite; detonator
诈骗 zhàpiàn defraud; swindle
zhà wring; squeeze
摘要 zhāiyào summary; brief
zhài stockade village
债务 zhàiwù debt
瞻仰 zhānyǎng look at with reverence
沾光 zhān guāng benefit from association with sb
zhǎn cut; behead
斩草除根 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn cut the weeds and dig up the roots
斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě resolute and decisive
展示 zhǎnshì lay out; display
展望 zhǎnwàng prospect
展现 zhǎnxiàn express; show
展销 zhǎnxiāo display and sell
占据 zhànjù hold; take up; inhabit
zhàn fight
战役 zhànyì battle; campaign
站岗 zhàn gǎng point duty
章程 zhāngchéng statute; rule
zhǎng palm
掌管 zhǎngguǎn in charge of
涨价 zhǎng jià rise in price
招聘 zhāopìn invite applications for a job
招生 zhāo shēng enroll new student
招收 zhāoshōu take in; recruit
朝气 zhāoqì youthful spirit
朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó full of youthful spirit
朝三暮四 zhāo sān mù sì blow hot and cold; play fast and loose
沼泽 zhǎozé swamp; morass
zhào mega
照会 zhàohuì memo; note
照旧 zhàojiù as usual
照料 zhàoliào take care of
照明 zhàomíng illuminate
照射 zhàoshè irradiate
照应 zhàoying look to
折腾 zhēteng turn over; toss about
这么着 zhèmezhe like this; such
真诚 zhēnchéng faithful; honor
真是的 zhēn shì de be really terrible
真相 zhēnxiàng fact; truth
真心 zhēnxīn sincere; wholehearted
侦察 zhēnchá spy; scout
侦探 zhēntàn detective
诊断 zhěnduàn diagnose
震荡 zhèndàng shake; vibrate
震惊 zhènjīng astound
zhèn shake; flap
振奋 zhènfèn hearten
振兴 zhènxīng vitalize; develop; promote
zhèn ease; press down
镇定 zhèndìng cool; calm
阵容 zhènróng lineup
阵线 zhènxiàn front
阵营 zhènyíng camp
正月 zhēngyuè the first month of the lunar year
zhēng steam
征收 zhēngshōu assess upon
争吵 zhēngchǎo quarrel
争端 zhēngduān issue
争气 zhēng qì try to make a good showing
争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu strive to be the first; vie with each other
争议 zhēngyì dispute
整洁 zhěngjié tidy; neat; clean
整数 zhěngshù integer
整天 zhěngtiān all day
整整 zhěngzhěng full
正比 zhèngbǐ direct ratio
正规 zhèngguī formal
正气 zhèngqì healthy atmosphere
正巧 zhèngqiǎo just in time
政变 zhèngbiàn coup
政协 zhèngxié the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
zhèng illness
郑重 zhèngzhòng solemn
zhèng card; certificate
芝麻 zhīma sesame
支部 zhībù branch
支撑 zhīchēng support; crutch
支出 zhīchū payout; expend
支付 zhīfù pay; defray
支票 zhīpiào check
支柱 zhīzhù mainstay; backbone
知觉 zhījué feeling; consciousness
蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider
脂肪 zhīfáng fat
zhī juice
指甲 zhǐjia fingernail
职称 zhíchēng the title of a technical post
职能 zhínéng function
职权 zhíquán power; authority
职务 zhíwù headship; duty; position
直播 zhíbō live broadcast
直辖市 zhíxiáshì municipality directly under the Central Government
直线 zhíxiàn beeline
直至 zhízhì up to; till
zhí plant
殖民主义 zhímín zhǔyì colonialism
执法 zhífǎ execute the law
执勤 zhí qín be on duty
执照 zhízhào license
执政 zhí zhèng come into power
值班 zhí bān on duty
侄子 zhízi nephew
指定 zhǐdìng appoint; designate
指令 zhǐlìng order; instruction
指明 zhǐmíng point out; designate
指手划脚 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo make indiscreet remarks or criticism
指望 zhǐwang expect; figure on
指针 zhǐzhēn index; finger
只顾 zhǐgù merely; simply; be absorbed in
只管 zhǐguǎn by all means
只能 zhǐnéng can but
纸张 zhǐzhāng paper
zhì ideal
志气 zhìqì ambition; backbone; spirit
zhì throw
至多 zhìduō by most
致词 zhì cí address; oration
致电 zhì diàn send a telegram
致富 zhì fù become rich; acquire wealth
致敬 zhìjìng hail; greet
致使 zhìshǐ lead
zhì put; set up; install
制裁 zhìcái punish
制服 zhìfú tame; overmaster
制品 zhìpǐn product; goods
制约 zhìyuē restrict
智力 zhìlì intellect
智能 zhìnéng aptitude; capacity
质变 zhìbiàn qualitative change
质朴 zhìpǔ unpretending; unvarnished
治安 zhì’ān public order; police
治理 zhìlǐ administer; govern
中等 zhōngděng medium; middling
中立 zhōnglì neutrality
中秋 zhōngqiū mid-autumn
中途 zhōngtú midway
中型 zhōngxíng medium-sized
中游 zhōngyóu middle reaches of a river
中原 zhōngyuán Central Plains
忠于 zhōngyú cleave; stick by
忠贞 zhōngzhēn honest; loyal and steadfast
钟表 zhōngbiǎo clock
钟点 zhōngdiǎn hours; time
zhōng end; finally
终点 zhōngdiǎn terminal
终端 zhōngduān terminal
终究 zhōngjiū after all
终年 zhōngnián all year long
终止 zhōngzhǐ stop; end
种种 zhǒngzhǒng a variety of
种族 zhǒngzú race
肿瘤 zhǒngliú neoplasm; tumor
种地 zhòng dì cultivate
重工业 zhònggōngyè heavy industry
重心 zhòngxīn center of gravity
重型 zhòngxíng heavy-duty
zhòng many
众多 zhòngduō numerous
众人 zhòngrén everybody
众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī as everyone knows; it is common knowledge that
众议院 zhòngyìyuàn house of representatives
zhōu boat
周密 zhōumì thorough; careful
周期 zhōuqī period cycle
周折 zhōuzhé twists and turns setbacks
周转 zhōuzhuǎn turn over
zhōu state
zhōu continent
昼夜 zhòuyè day and night
珠子 zhūzi bead
诸如此类 zhū rú cǐ lèi and all that; and so on
诸位 zhūwèi every one
逐年 zhúnián year after year
zhǔ lean on a stick
嘱托 zhǔtuō entrust
zhǔ owner; host
主办 zhǔbàn sponsor; hold
主编 zhǔbiān editor in chief
主管 zhǔguǎn in charge of
主导 zhǔdǎo leading; dominant
主流 zhǔliú mainstream
主人翁 zhǔrénwēng master; hero
主食 zhǔshí staple food
主题 zhǔtí topic
主体 zhǔtǐ principal part
主义 zhǔyì -ism
zhù write; book
助长 zhùzhǎng foster; encourage
助理 zhùlǐ assistant
铸造 zhùzào found
zhù build
住房 zhùfáng housing; lodging
住所 zhùsuǒ habitation; residence
注册 zhùcè enroll; register
注解 zhùjiě note; annotation
注目 zhùmù fix one’s eyes on
注释 zhùshì note; annotation
注重 zhùzhòng pay attention to
祝福 zhùfú bless; benediction
驻扎 zhùzhā be stationed
zhuǎ claw
zhuài drag; haul
专长 zhuāncháng specialty
专程 zhuānchéng special trip
专科 zhuānkē special course
专利 zhuānlì patent
专人 zhuānrén person specially assigned for a task
专题 zhuāntí special topic
专业户 zhuānyèhù specialized households
专用 zhuānyòng for a special purpose
专制 zhuānzhì despotism; autarchy
转换 zhuǎnhuàn transform
转交 zhuǎnjiāo deliver to
转让 zhuǎnràng make over; transfer
转向 zhuǎnxiàng turn to; veer
转折 zhuǎnzhé turn
zhuàn biography
传记 zhuànjì biography
zhuāng village
庄重 zhuāngzhòng grand; superb
装配 zhuāngpèi set up; assemblage
装卸 zhuāngxiè load and unload
壮观 zhuàngguān grand; sublime
壮烈 zhuàngliè brave; heroic
壮志 zhuàngzhì lofty ideal
追查 zhuīchá investigate; trace
追悼 zhuīdào flood; submerge
追赶 zhuīgǎn chase; run after
追究 zhuījiū find out; investigate
追问 zhuīwèn question closely; examine minutely
准许 zhǔnxǔ permit
准则 zhǔnzē rule; guide line
卓越 zhuōyuè super excellent
zhuó peck
酌情 zhuó qíng take the circumstance into consideration
zhuó wear
着想 zhuóxiǎng consider
咨询 zīxún refer; consult
资产 zīchǎn capital; asset
资助 zīzhù give financial aid
滋长 zīzhǎng grow; develop
滋味 zīwèi flavor; relish
子弟 zǐdì junior; children
子孙 zǐsūn progeny
自悲 zìbēi self-abased
自发 zìfā spontaneous; unprompted
自负盈亏 zì fù yíng kuī assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses
自古 zì gǔ from of old
自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng self-dependence
自杀 zìshā suicide
自私自利 zì sī zì lì self-concern; selfish
自卫 zìwèi self-defense
自行 zìxíng by oneself
自由市场 zìyóu shìchǎng free market
踪迹 zōngjì tail; trail; trace
宗旨 zōngzhǐ tenet
棕色 zōngsè brown
总的来说 zǒng de lái shuō in general
总督 zǒngdū governor
总额 zǒng’é amount
总和 zǒnghé summation
总计 zǒngjì totalize; summed
总数 zǒngshù gross; total
总司令 zǒngsīlìng commander in chief
总务 zǒngwù general affairs
纵横 zònghéng with great ease in length and breadth
走访 zǒufǎng call on; interview
走狗 zǒugǒu flunky; hatchet man
走漏 zǒulòu leak out
走私 zǒu sī smuggle
走向 zǒuxiàng make for; tend
zòu play music
zòu beat
租金 zūjīn rental
race; nationality
足以 zúyǐ enough
阻挡 zǔdǎng block off; hold up
阻拦 zǔlán block off
阻挠 zǔnáo obstruct; stand in the way
组合 zǔhé assemble
钻石 zuànshí diamond
嘴巴 zuǐba mouth
罪犯 zuìfàn criminal
罪名 zuìmíng accusation; charge
罪状 zuìzhuàng facts about a crime
zūn respect
尊称 zūn chēng honorific title
尊严 zūnyán dignity
遵循 zūnxún follow; keep to
遵照 zūnzhào comply; conform to
琢磨 zuómo consider; ponder
做工 zuò gōng work
作案 zuò àn commit an offence
作法 zuòfa action; practice
作废 zuòfèi cancellation; blank out
作主 zuò zhǔ decide
座右铭 zuòyòumíng motto


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