CCTV Chinese 28-31 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Balloon

CCTV Chinese 28-31

My approach is to listen to the CCTV videos and expect to not really hear anything I don’t already understand.

Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
手划船 – paddle boat with hands
脚踏船 – pedal boat
租 – rent
押金 – deposit
掌握 – to control or grasp
饿死了 – starving
边走边吃 – eat and walk at the same time
汉堡 – hamburger
做梦 – to dream
钢琴课 – piano lesson
餐巾纸 – paper napkin
咖啡屋 – coffee house
能借我看看吗?- Can you lend it to me to read? i.e. a book
端午节 – Dragon Boat Festival
我从来没听你说过。- I have never heard you say it before.
你什么时候来拿?  –  When are you coming over to get it?
你看完了吗?- Have you finished reading it?
包 – to wrap
一种 – one kind
特色 – special
传统 – traditional
美食 – food
刚刚 – just
比赛 – competition
香 – fragrant
煮 – to boil
只要你去,我就去。。。 – as long as you go, then I will go
到底。。。 – what on earth…
听不见 – cannot hear
徒弟 – apprentice
经常 – often
队长 – team captain
我拜你为师 – I will be your disciple!
困死我了 – really tired
明星 – celebrity
教 – to teach
动作 – movement
练习 – to practice
除非 – only if

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela


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