CCTV Chinese 36-39 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Balloon

CCTV Chinese 36-39

My approach is to listen to the CCTV videos and expect to not really hear anything I don’t already understand.

Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera
我以前怎么没注意?- How come I never noticed before?
时髦 – trendy or fashionable
特别火的歌星 – famous music star
热闹 – lively
根本不用练 – don’t even need to practice
伴奏音乐 – accompaniment music
实在 – really or honestly
疯狂 – crazy
表演 – performance
别说中国人会唱就连外国人也都会唱 – It is not only Chinese people who can sing this song, foreigners can also sing it.
打算 – to intend
棒 – wonderful
预习 – prepare lessons before class
成绩 – grades
哪壶不开提哪壶 – to air dirty laundry in public
尤其 – especially or particularly
多半 – mostly
游泳 – to swim
补习班 – supplementary lessons
逛街 – to go our for a stroll (along a street)
改天 – change to another day
反正 – anyway
陪 – accompany
不见不散 – be sure to be there
怎么回事?- What happened?
刚才 – just now
怕 – to be afraid
来不及 – there is not enough time
堵车 – traffic jam
坐过站 – to miss one’s stop
怎么还不来 – what’s taking so long
宽敞 – spacious
中西合璧 – mix of Chinese and Western elements
泡吧 – hang out at a bar
脸谱 – painted Beijing Opera face
角度 – angle
修 – to fix
古香古色 – to have an old-fashioned flavor
感觉 – feeling
小礼物 – small gift
京剧 – Beijing Opera
东方 – Eastern
送 – to accompany somebody to their destination
原来 – express something that you didn’t know before

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela


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