CCTV Chinese 40-43 - Chad Salinas ::: Data Scientist
Life and times of Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas, golf caddy, data scientist, chad rPubs, recovering chess addict, daddy caddy
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Chinese Wall

CCTV Chinese 40-43

My approach is to listen to the CCTV videos and expect to not really hear anything I don’t already understand.

CCTV Chinese 40-43

Chinese Travel Guide
WuShu Left
Peking Opera

自从。。。以来 – ever since
不怎么样 – I think not
垃圾食品 – junk food
好主意 – good idea
北京小吃 – Beijing snacks
算得上 – to count
尝尝 – taste
发现 – to discover
历史 – history
居然 – to one’s surprise
吃不过来 – can’t eat it all
吃得过来 – can eat it all
拿。。。来说 – take something for example
好像 – seems like
饱 – full
可不是嘛 – of course
吃得过来 – to eat it all
帮助 – to help
消化 – digestion
豌豆黄 – pea flour cake
制作 – to make
麻烦 – troublesome
花费 – to spend
方法 – method
保密 – secret
厨师 – chef
猜 – guess
小看 – underestimate or look down on
。。。不是。。。吗 – used to ask a rhetorical question
叔叔 – uncle
长途 – long distance, i.e. phone call
年假 – annual leave
到时候 – when the time arrives
聚 – get together
随时 – at any time
做客 – to be a guest
学会 – learn how to do something
炒 – stir fry
拿手菜 – dishes that you are good at
等你到家 – once you get home
商量 – to discuss
最近 – recently
见面 – to meet
本事 – skill or ability
一言为定 – to keep one’s word, it has been agreed
正好 – just in time
要么。。。要么。。。- either… or …
累坏了 – too exhausted
行李箱 – suitcase
上海菜 – Shanghai cuisine
懂 – to be well-versed in
点菜 – to order dishes
那我就不客气了 – then, I won’t be polite
干杯 – cheers
结帐 – to ask for the bill
打包 – to pack something up
欢迎 – welcome
过奖 – to over praise
特色 – characteristic
饮料 – beverage
累 – tired
聊 – to chat
茶 – tea
跟。。。似的 – to indicate the similarity of something
祝 – to wish

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

– Nelson Mandela


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